Assisted Living Care FAQs in Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park Minnesota

Most frequent questions and answers

Assisted Living is a supportive living option promoting independence and personal dignity in a safe, home-like environment. We help with the tasks of daily living, such as dressing, bathing, evening care and medication monitoring. The care is personally tailored to personal need and preferences.  

The cost of Assisted Living varies from community to community; it is based on the level of care needed and service options elected by the resident.

Residents plan their day to the fullest by selecting from a wide arrange of activities. We at Desnol develop programs with resident input, offer many opportunities for residents to spend time with each other, pursue individual interests and host their families and friends at special gatherings. However, it is up to the individual to decide how to spend their day. Some of the activities include, musical entertainment, shopping and sightseeing excursions, exercise classes, current event group discussions, painting, cooking, computer classes, gardening and many more.

There are many services available and residents get to choose which services they need and want. For instance, meal, personal cares assistance (showering, dressing and person hygiene), medication reminders, weekly laundering, transportation, wellness programs and many more.

Your Assisted Living is your home. Guest and or visitors are welcome at any time.